Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The MBA degree is generally regarded as an international qualification in business administration which is usually taught as a general postgraduate qualification in management and business. The universality of the MBA makes it well-known to students and employers alike. Some MBA degrees are tailored specifically as executive training, fast-tracked by universities in association with industry demand. Most MBA degrees involve coursework subjects in general areas of business which may be undertaken by mid-level professionals who have a technical qualification or professional qualification, but no formal training in management.

The following 12 subjects must be completed for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) over one-year of full-time study or two years part-time equivalent. Entry into the MBA program will require good standing at graduation in any bachelor’s degree.

Business Strategy
This subject deals with Cambodian industry analysis of available resources and capabilities including the nature of Khmer business strategies; the integration and diversification of current developments; internationalization strategy; and ASEAN status through strategic alliances, managing international supply chains and  international human resource management, marketing, accounting, finance and ethics.

Human Resource Management                                                             
This is a key course in relation to Cambodia’s service sector and includes the usual elements of Human Resource Management such as strategic planning, implications of technology for design of jobs, recruitment and selection and the implications for risk management in a changing workplace. Students are given the opportunity to consider the recruitment and selection process from both applicant’s and employers’ point of view and to identify the skills necessary to effectively select and successfully apply for jobs.  

Marketing Management                                                                 
This subject provides a practical understanding of the role of marketing in current Cambodian organizations, whether they be private, public, local or global. With an up-to-date examination of current practice and future trends, such as the impact of ecommerce and globalization upon Cambodian commerce, this subject is both exciting and practical. Topics include: marketing analysis, segmentation and positioning, services marketing, pricing and financial analysis in marketing, database marketing, communications, distribution and the role of people and processes in creating customer value. Actual development of a marketing plan is an integral part of the unit.

Economic Analysis & Asian Economies
This subject focuses on the concept of a generic marketplace within a business perspective by providing students with analytical tools which will help them understand the nature and scope of the market economy into which Cambodia has entered.  It looks at the companies operating in a market economy in relation to the actual market place, market structures, market failure, government regulation and microeconomic reform.

This subject seeks to develop skills in economic environment scanning through the discussion of topics such as aggregate demand analysis, the monetary system, monetary and fiscal policy interventions, international influences on domestic economies and the implications of electronic business open to the Cambodian population. The subject concentrates on Cambodia within regional Asian economic development.

Organizational Behavior
This subject focuses on improving the effectiveness of the human aspect of business and industry  within Cambodia and its ASEAN counterparts. The subject is very similar to organizational psychology and will cover personality and motivation, leadership, group processes, performance appraisal, conflict, and work redesign through simulated case studies.

Financial Management
This course is designed as an introduction for Khmer business people in accounting and financial management, who either have little background or wish to improve their skills. Learning to understand the interplay between a company’s financial position, corporate accountability, and business decisions will allow for the assessment of companies according to their liquidity, profitability, financial backing and triple-bottom-line performance. In doing so, it will enable students to better understand the real drivers of business and to explain, in financial terms, the costs and benefits of alternative decisions. It will provide students with the skills to communicate more effectively with finance and accounting managers.

Strategic Information Management
This subject covers information systems management; interactions of information systems with organizational elements; comparative and competitive advantages of IS/IT; strategic use of IS/IT; evaluation of IS/IT; adoption and diffusion of IS/IT; management issues of electronic commerce; issues of knowledge management; planning approaches including key success factors; business process reengineering; and current and future issues of IS/IT. This is an important subject for Khmer business people wishing to improve their expertise in IT to a level which is comparable to international standards and to greatly enhance the efficiency of communication technology in their businesses.

Information for Business Decisions
This subject provides tools to better analyze and understand business related data, key for those building Khmer industry and engaging in commercial activity. Students are instructed in statistical methods, both descriptive and inferential; relating and determining associations between the various aspects of relevant data and information; casual models for forecasting and decision analysis; and focusing on techniques that will provide a rational framework for decision making. Students will need advanced logic and numeracy skills to engage in decision making modeling and prediction analysis.

Managerial Effectiveness
This subject focuses on key leadership and management skills to assist managers in maximizing productivity. Some of these include clarifying personal vision, time management, negotiation, goal-setting, stress management and communication skills. Exercises and assignments are used to develop interpersonal effectiveness in the Cambodian context.

Organizational Change and Development
This subject focuses on how Cambodian managers may successfully implement major organizational change, restructuring and strategic plans. The most current models of organizational change and development are still being implemented in Cambodia, thus, case studies from other nations are studied. In addition, methods for success in this area including team building, conflict resolution, and survey feedback are discussed. Students will be asked to act as consultants to the city of Phnom Penh or regional business and government organizations on real problems and projects. For practice and learning purposes, they will develop mock consulting contracts, work on real and imagined organizational problems, and provide a report and presentation to the company – the class – at the end of the assignment.

Legal Environment
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the major areas of law those in managerial positions will come into contact with. Legislative and common law regulations as they are being developed in the Cambodian legal framework will be addressed.

Contract & Procurement Optimization                                              
This course provides students with strategic level understanding of contract and procurement management for Cambodian industry and commerce. Topics of interest include development of policies, contracting process, risk management, interfaces with project management, procurement strategy development, life cycle costing, tendering and negotiation skills, and new issues in the potential of outsourcing. Moreover, practical approaches organizations adopt to improve effectiveness and efficiency, including privatization of Cambodian state entities, are analyzed.

Dean of Business Administration