

Accounting Major is more than crunching numbers and balancing books. Increasingly, business leaders are consulting with accountants on financial decisions to gain their expertise and insights. If you already hold a bachelor’s degree in accounting, you have the skills and foundational understanding needed to navigate the industry. However, a master can provide additional knowledge and access to opportunities, especially if you are thinking about becoming an accountant expert. A master in accounting offers the chance to further develop your command of accounting practices, which can make you stand out in a sea of other job applicants who may only have bachelor’s degrees. If you want to pursue higher-level job roles within your company, a master’s degree is recommended.

Marketing Major is one of the more diverse areas of business study, featuring experts in a range of related fields such as management, psychology, strategy, research, sociology, broadcasting, publication, publicity, ethics, distribution, service, and more. Master in Marketing programs build on students’ foundational business knowledge, highlighting the key concepts of marketing such as effectiveness, segmentation, activation, dominance, pricing, service, retail, brand management, and more. Further, several Master of Marketing programs allows students to specialize in a certain area or field that is most pertinent to their personal career goals. Such specializations may include International Marketing, Social Media, Publicity, Communication, Strategic Marketing, Sales Management, Interactive Marketing, and more.

Human Resource Management Major include theories and practices related to hiring processes, administrative services, performance management, staff administration, and training. HRM students learn how to motivate and enhance employees’ contribution in order to maximise the productivity of an organisation. Courses focus on organisational behaviour, and how it can be used to create a positive atmosphere within companies. An important skill in this field is managing people according to different workplace cultures. This involves flexibility and understanding in order to adapt to social and work environments, while also strengthening the company culture values.

Tourism Management Major is intended for persons interested in developing and/or improving their knowledge of recreation management, hospitality management, or tourism management. The program is designed for those seeking advancement in their career settings or a change in career settings. The option in Recreational Sport Management/Recreation Management is designed to prepare graduate students for leadership roles in the recreational sport management industry. The program provides students a background in leadership for organizations that provide recreation and leisure services in a wide variety of venues.

Administrative Management Major is the process of managing information through people. This usually involves performing the storage and distribution of information to those within an organisation. A large number of roles within business require some element of administrative management. Anyone involved in the planning, co-ordinating, directing, or controlling aspects of a business can be considered an Administrative Manager.

Industrial Relations Major combined with its commitment to professional development provided a challenging and exciting learning environment. The reputation of excellence that the program has established is one that employers recognize. The skills I developed and the knowledge I gained through this program not only prepared me for a career in labour relations but helped me to obtain my dream job as a labour relations consultant in a post-secondary institution.

International Business Major is a master’s degree designed to develop the capabilities and resources of managers in the global economy. It is for those seeking to establish or accelerate a career in international business.

Logistics Management Major is a multidisciplinary course meant to offer learners with a framework to improve personal managerial skills and professionalism in supplies management practices. In the university, one can enrol for Logistics Management to earn quality knowledge as well as the right platform in exploration of logistics field. The course is an eye-opener for most students seeking to develop a career of high-level skills in the field of logistics. There are various aspects of logistics management that one must understand so as to be effective in the field. One should take into consideration the information about branding, packaging, and quality of the products in question. The course is practically applicable across industries in the modern world of business.

Management Major is designed to equip graduates from non-business programs with the tools they need for managing and problem solving in a variety of organizations and environments. The Major pairs general management education with a special non-technical focus on developing leadership, problem-solving and communication skills. Students will build knowledge of the major disciplines of management and how they intersect, while developing key competencies that are valued by organizations and that will facilitate employment in a career with a future. The curriculum is highly experiential, culminating with an Enterprise Consulting Project in which students will collaboratively develop recommendations for a client organization.

Risk Management Major is program meant to equip learners with knowledge on measuring the extent of serious uncertain events in business. The skills will help one appreciate both operational and financial risks that financial institutions face in their world. The course renders qualified students who are equipped in making reasonable and feasible business decisions.

Sales Major can lead to many career opportunities, such as a sales representative, an associate or an employee in customer service. You will learn how to analyse the market and see opportunities based on its trends. If you are interested in particular consumer items, a Master in Sales is the perfect chance to widen your grasp on the subject and work with items of your interest. Graduates holding Master in Sales degrees have career opportunities ranging from non-profit organizations to multinational corporations.

Small Business Management Major might be the vehicle for all of the tools you need to make a small business successful. It could give you a new understanding of the kinds of marketing, finance, and human resources techniques you need to keep a small business at the top of its field. Focuses on technology, management and leadership, and sales can aid you in getting and staying profitable in your small business dealings.

Strategic Procurement Major will carefully examine the legal framework of acquisition contracts and ultimately translate these legal documents into various operating methodologies during their studies. While working towards this degree, students will take classes that cover the financial environment related to price proposals. They will also study techniques related to investment returns and cost and price analysis.

Computer Science Major may typically, have completed taught modules and a dissertation project, engaging in, for example, object-oriented programming and software development. You may have chosen from a range of other modules in areas covering foundational topics in computer science as well as application areas including 3D graphics, software development for mobile devices, and computer security and forensics.

Information Technology Major will allow to specialize in designing, managing and implementing brand-new information technology services. Such a degree is often multidisciplinary and is normally combined with a business aspect, so you will also develop managerial skills and learn how to use your knowledge of the field in a business context. With a Master in Information Technology (IT) you will achieve the perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and experiential learning.

Software Engineering Major focuses on analysing the needs and requirements of users to design, deploy, and test new software. To develop applications, software engineers need to master in-demand programming languages, such as SQL, JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, PHP, and others. The work of software engineers has become increasingly important because technology and software applications are used in almost every industry. The demand for more complex software and the need to develop secure and trustworthy applications are some of the biggest challenges for software engineers.

Mathematics Major means you can take degrees in anything from Modeling, Financial Mathematics, and Computing to Logic and Statistics. There are several programs so if you are looking to widen your horizons, a Master in Mathematics can also help supplement knowledge of science, including Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students seeking a Master in Mathematics must have the appropriate educational background and experience necessary for these challenging programs.

Environmental Sciences Major specialize in many different areas such as engineering, conservation, ecology, biology and chemistry. Generally speaking, the graduate will work in areas related to locating and protecting the earth’s resources. This can include predicting hazards and advising on issues related to regulatory compliance. Students can narrow their focus to areas of particular interest during the course of study.

Economics Major provides students with a solid understanding of the fundamental tools of economic analysis that are employed to conduct rigorous study of economic issues and economic policies. The focus of the program is applied economics. This focus contrasts with that of alternative professional degrees, which provide the relevant training for a career in business or management. The program’s focus on applied economics also is distinct from that of a masters degree in economics, which is frequently considered a stepping stone to a PhD in Economics and concentrates on contributions to academic research.

Finance and Banking Major provide valuable insights into how individuals, groups, and organizations invest their assets over time. Master in Finance and Banking graduates can analyze market behavior on a micro- or macro-scale, finding their expertise needed in a wide variety of organization types, from international corporations to small businesses, from public offices to academic or research posts. Key courses in a Master of Finance and Banking program will illuminate the economic functions of banks, the global banking industry, wealth channels, standard activities of banks, regulations and risk management.

Finance and Real Estate Major will help you understand real estate in the context of the international financial markets. You will learn the quantitative and conceptual skills needed to make the complex decisions in the real estate finance sector. The programme also places property investment into context with equity, fixed income and financial derivative products.

Finance and Insurance Major provides students with in-depth knowledge for the design and management of complex financial and insurance products, for understanding the organization of financial markets, for the definition and management of social security systems and to measure risks relating to individual financial and insurance products.

Finance and Investment Major is aimed at not only producing high quality candidates, but also at producing high quality finance researchers. The online course builds a solid foundation in the theory and practice of financial decision making. You will gain the advanced management and analytical skills needed to take you to the forefront of the financial world.

Finance and Taxation Major offers academically based, application-oriented in-depth studies in the areas of finance, financial accounting, taxation, and supplements (especially law and related fields in business economics). Besides the possibility of completing a doctoral dissertation, opens many opportunities for gaining employment in industrial, auditing or consulting companies or institutions.

Microfinance Major will enable you to undertake a rigorous analysis of the role of development finance in economic development from both micro and macro perspectives. The course focuses on financial inclusion, microfinance, institutional design and policy reform in domestic and international financial systems.

Business Statistics and Forecasting Major is designed to equip you with a basic understanding of business data analysis tools and techniques. You’ll master essential spreadsheet functions, build descriptive business data measures, and develop your aptitude for data modeling. You’ll also explore basic probability concepts, including measuring and modeling uncertainty, and you’ll use various data distributions, along with the Linear Regression Model, to analyze and inform business decisions. The Specialization culminates with a Capstone Project in which you’ll apply the skills and knowledge you’ve gained to an actual business problem.

Law Major such as tax law, financial services, international law, environmental law, and commercial law, and Cambodian Constitution. Programs generally take a consist primarily of research, others also require coursework. Students of these programs can be expected to complete a thesis to be awarded the degree.

Public Administration Major is a professional degree and a graduate degree for the public sector and it prepares individuals to serve as managers, executives and policy analysts in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in non-governmental organization (NGO) and non-profit sectors; it places a focus on the systematic investigation of executive organization and management. Instruction includes the roles, development, and principles of public administration; public policy management and implementation.

Political Science Major helps learners hone research, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Students in political science master’s programs also develop a strong understanding of Cambodia, local and global politics, diplomacy, law, and political theories.

Anthropology Major are not only about language, culture and traditions but also about preserving artifacts for future generations in museums, for instance. Programs like Master in Culture Study or Master in Social Anthropology explore the nature of human communication, as well as linguistic and cultural changes that occur across time and space. A Master in Anthropology will give anyone great opportunities to travel and communicate with people all around the world, explore art and solve puzzles and mysteries that at times are more thrilling than a first-rate detective story!

History Major is a study of the past; it often seeks to discover patterns of cause and effect that can objectively determine events of the past. Scholars mostly use narrative to analyze and unravel the events of the past. At the same time, the narrative method leads to a problem, controversial with the objectiveness, which historical science claims to have. The problem is that history is always written in the context of the time contemporary to the narrator. If you are interested in these issues surrounding the study of history, then a Master in History is an excellent first step into the professional field.

Sociology Major can easily find an exciting research subject connected to health, the Internet, culture, military, media, education, family as well as environment, religion or criminality. A Master in Sociology gives room for both astute students who like to dig deep into theory, and for those students who rather seek a practical application of their knowledge. There are plenty of career opportunities with a Master in Sociology in both the private and public sectors, in a variety of organizations or businesses.

English Literature Major is a graduate degree that typically studies written English language narratives in relation to their literary and cultural contexts. Students may study various works by a variety of authors, written in a range of historical periods. This degree typically combines literary theory, reading comprehension and critique, linguistics. At the end of the degree program, students will often be required to produce and defend a written academic thesis on a topic related to their studies.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language is an advanced degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This graduate degree program, taken after you’ve earned your undergraduate degree in a related subject, such as education or English, is usually two additional years of study.

English Business Communication is designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your English vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in English in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business negotiations, telephone conversations, written reports and emails, and professional presentations.

Chinese Language offers students the opportunity to deepen intellectual and cultural understanding of China. It prepares students for careers in various fields such as academia, consulting, government, business, non-profit, or education.

Japanese Language invites students to undertake advanced study in the Japanese language with access to research and educational resources. Coursework may involve reading and translating Japanese language texts and classical Japanese. The focus is typically on advancing comprehension of the language and culture, including literature, philosophy, and history. Programs may also cover oral and written Japanese communication, methods of teaching the language, bilingualism, phonetics, and planning and policy for educators.

Korean Language is designed to enhance students’ current knowledge of and interest in Korean studies. Whether it’s a focus on the economic factors impacting the Korean Peninsula or an analysis of Korean literature, a more focused understanding of Korea can help students gain marketable skills. Some students may have an opportunity to live or study in the country as part of their training.