Polices & Regulations

Polices & Regulations

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend classes regularly; in class work is a key component to attaining the educational objectives of the institution. Only valid absences will be excused; it is the responsibility of the students to inform instructors of absences.

Students who fail to attend all sessions of a class during the first week of semester may be removed from the class roster by the instructor and required to officially withdraw as they will be replaced by students from the waiting list.

Students who are absent from the University for more than one week, for any valid reason, and who have found it difficult to inform their instructors, should notify the IIC Administration Office. The administrative staff will notify the students’ instructors of the nature and duration of the extended absence. It remains the responsibility of the students to arrange with instructors to make up any academic work missed.


Students are expected to attend classes on time. If students are found to have a constant tardiness problem, the instructor may take appropriate disciplinary actions, from a simple verbal warning to one week suspension.

Visitors to Classes

Only students registered for the class either as regular students or invited guests of the instructor may attend classes at the University. Individuals wishing to become guests of the instructor should seek the instructor’s permission prior to the scheduled class session.

Grading System

The following grading system has been developed by the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia. Students should note that while the Ministry of Education accepts E as a ‘Minimal Pass’ IIC University considers any grade below D to be a failing grade.

A 4.00 Excellent 85-100
B+ 3.50 Markedly Superior 80-84
B 3.00 Good 70-79
C+ 2.50 Fair 65-69
C 2.00 Satisfactory 50-64
D 1.50 Poor 45-49
E 1.00 Minimal Pass 40-44
F 0.00 Fail <40

Grade-Point Average (GPA) Calculation

The average of grades obtained by a student in all subjects weighted by the credit point value of each subject in accordance with the following formula:

Where P = grade point value of each subject, C = course credit value of each subject.

Grade-Point Average for Graduation

A grade-point average of 1.00 or higher is required for graduation in all courses.

Assignment of Grades

  1. IIC University of Technology policy requires that final grades shall be based on at least two demonstrations of competence by the student. Students should be aware, however, that a single instance of cheating or plagiarism may result in a failing grade in the class.
  2. In no case shall the grade of the final examination count for more than fifty percent of the course grade.
  3. Instructors are expected to keep a record of students’ scores on each of the demonstrations of competence on which the final grade is based.
  4. Students have a right to be informed promptly of their scores and to review each of their demonstrations of competence with their instructors.
  5. Instructors are further expected to make clear to their students during the first week of instruction what grading policies and practices will be employed in the class and what rules will apply to withdrawals.

Grade Appeals

Students have the right to formally appeal the final grade, but only the final grade, in a course. Appeals are limited to situations in which the student believes the grade was prejudicially assigned. The appeal must be initiated within the first regular semester after assignment of the grade. It must first be directed to the instructor of the course, orally or in writing. If further action is necessary, the student should appeal in writing to the Academic Affairs Office. If the issue continues to remain unresolved, the written appeal can be directed to the IIC Review Committee or the IIC Rector.

Change of Grade

Grades reported to IIC Administration Office are considered to be official and final grades. Changes to final grades can be made only on the authority of the instructor and only on the basis of:
1. A computational or recording error; or
2. The evaluation of additional assignments or examinations only when an incomplete has been previously recorded; or
3. IIC Committee’s approval as the result of a grade appeal.

Except for changes of grade resulting from the grades appeal processes, all changes of grade must be filed within six months from the initial grade filing date, without respect to continuous enrollment of the student. Only as the result of a successful grade appeal will a grade be changed after the award of a degree or credential. All requests for changes of grade shall carry the recommendation of the instructor and the Academic Affairs Office.

Grade Reports

Student grade reports are compiled and released shortly after the end of each semester by the IIC Academic Affairs Office. These reports are made available to the students, the students’ advisers and the Academic Affairs Office.

Access to Records

Students, or parents of dependent students, may inspect and review their educational records. Some form of photo identification must be displayed before access to educational records will be allowed.

Privacy Rights of Students

No other information regarding students’ educational records may be disclosed to anyone without a written consent from the students, except to school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the student.

University Intellectual Property Rights

Any invention, equipment or computer program developed by a student or students as part of their prescribed course work and substantially with the use of materials and facilities provided by IIC shall be the property of the University.

Final Examinations

Most courses involve one mid-semester examination and a final examination. Final examinations are required in all subjects for all students, except in certain activity subjects or when the IIC Director authorizes an exception. The final examination schedule will be posted by the Administration Office. Permission to take a final examination at a time other than that regularly scheduled must be secured from the instructor at least one week in advance of the exam. Students should note that instructor may not change the scheduled time for final examinations without authorization from the Academic Affairs Office.

Deferred Examinations

  • A student who for medical or compassionate reasons is unable to sit for the formal, scheduled examination may apply for a deferred examination. An application for a deferred examination must be lodged with the instructor as soon as possible and in any case not later than seven days after the examination announcement. (not later than three days after the examination?).
  • The instructor will determine whether or not a deferred examination should be granted.
  • Under no circumstances will the following be accepted as the sole grounds for the granting of a deferred examination:
  • Misreading the examination time table; or
  • Clashes with prior arrangements for vacation, ceremonial events or special occasions.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct involves gaining, or attempting to gain, an unfair academic advantage. As IIC University of Technology is committed to fostering an environment of honesty, integrity and reliability, academic misconduct is regarded as a very serious matter. A single offence by a student of cheating, plagiarism or other academic misconduct with respect to papers or final examinations constitutes grounds for suspension from the University. In cases where a student is suspected of cheating or plagiarism, the student shall be notified by the University of the charge and supporting evidence. Depending on individual circumstances the period of suspension can range from one semester to permanent expulsion from the University. Academic misconduct includes the following:

Cheating – The act of obtaining or attempting to obtain academic credit by the use of dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means. This may include copying the work of others; using unsanctioned notes or electronic devices during an exam; giving and/or receiving unsanctioned copies of quizzes or exams; tampering or attempts to tamper with exams, grades or class records; and unsanctioned discussions of answers or ideas during exams.

Plagiarism – The act of using, presenting or submitting the words, ideas or work of another, whether it be an individual, collective, organization or community, without giving proper credit to the source.

Improper Collaboration – The inappropriate or unauthorized sharing of work on assignments intended to be an individual. Students should be mindful of improper collaboration in situations where group work is sanctioned by the instructor. Working beyond the parameters of permissible collaboration set out by the instructor is also considered improper collaboration.

Bribery – The act of attempting to influence staff, faculty or administration through unethical means. Bribes include both monetary and non-monetary inducements and may include giving paying money for test answers or grades.

General Misconduct

By enrolling in IIC, students accept the responsibility for complying with all applicable norms and policies of the University. The University expects students to show respect for the rights of others and for lawful authority; to represent themselves truthfully and accurately at all times; to respect private and public property; to fulfill contractual obligations, including those that are financially made with the University; and to take responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their guests. Any student may be expelled, suspended or placed on probation for one or more of the following occurring on school grounds:

  • Obstruction or disruption of University activities
  • Abuse of University property or the threat of such physical abuse
  • Theft of University property
  • Unauthorized entry into and unauthorized use of University property
  • Unauthorized entry into the opposite sex bathroom
  • The sale, possession or use of illicit drugs on school property
  • The sale, possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals or weapons on school property
  • Engaging in lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on school property or at a school function
  • Behavior which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily or emotional harm to any staff, faculty, administration or students
  • Soliciting or assisting another to do any act which would subject a student to expulsion, suspension or probation

Penalties & Sanctions

Students should note that penalties and sanctions are not only related to academic misconduct and general misconduct but may also result from poor performance. Penalties and sanctions are as follows:

Academic Action – Academic action are steps taken prior to suspension and expulsion for any instances of cheating, plagiarism, improper collaboration, or bribery. Students should note that any academic action is noted on students’ records, even if no further action is taken.

  • Review – no action.
  • An oral reprimand with emphasis on counseling toward prevention of further occurrences.
  • A requirement that the work be repeated.
  • Assignment of a score of zero (0) for that particular work, resulting in the proportional reduction of the final course grade.
  • Assignment of a failing final grade.

Academic Probation – Academic probation is a warning that academic performance must improve or the student may be required to withdraw for at least one semester. Students will automatically be placed on academic probation in the next semester attended if the following occurs in one semester:

  • Earning a semester grade-point average (GPA) of less than 1.00.
  • Failure to complete fifty percent of registered courses in each semester.

Students who improve their academic record in the following semester, that is if their cumulative GPA is 1.00 or higher, will be in good academic standing once again. Students who remain on academic probation for two consecutive semesters will be suspended from further studies.

Academic Suspension – Academic suspension is a period of one semester in which students are required to withdraw from IIC University. Students may be suspended for one semester if the following occurs:

  • The cumulative GPA falls below 1.00 for two consecutive semesters.
  • Students are found guilty of academic or general misconduct.
  • Withdrawal from all or a substantial portion of a program in two successive semesters.
  • Repeated failure to progress toward the stated degree objective.


Students who have been placed on academic suspension may reapply for admission to IIC at the end of one semester’s absence. Upon readmission the student will be placed on academic probation subject to the academic probation terms above.

Required to Withdraw & Expulsion – Students may be required to withdraw immediately or may be expelled from IIC for the following:

  • Failure to comply, after due notice, with an academic requirement or regulation such as failing to take placement tests or failing to complete a required practicum.
  • Found guilty of a second charge of academic or general misconduct, or found guilty of one severe case of academic or general misconduct.


Students who have been required to withdraw from IIC for academic reasons may not apply for reapplication until a period of one semester has elapsed. Upon readmission students will be placed on academic probation subject to the academic probation terms above. Students who have been expelled for misconduct are not eligible for reapplication.


Cell phones are to be turned off during lectures, labs and exams.

Alcohol & Other Drugs

IIC University of Technology prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees in buildings, facilities, grounds, or other property owned and/or controlled by the University.

Eating & Drinking in Class

IIC University of Technology prohibits eating and drinking in all indoor areas, including but not limited to: classrooms, administration office, conference room, lobbies, library and computer room.

Smoke-Free Campus Environment

IIC University of Technology is a smoke-free institution in order to provide a healthy, safe and clean learning and working environment for staff and students. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas, including private offices, lobbies and stairways, and all outdoor areas within the University grounds.

Harassment Policy

IIC University is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment free from all forms of harassment. Sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination, whether it be on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or religion, will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all administration, faculty, staff and students to work together to create an environment that is free from harassment. Where there is evidence that harassment has been committed, swift and fair disciplinary action will be initiated. Such disciplinary action may include one year suspension and/or the possibility of expulsion.

School Attire

Students in all degree programs are required to wear appropriate business attire. Students in the General English Program should note that although business attire is not required, the University prohibits wearing short pants and slippers on campus.

Campus Parking

The University provides guarded parking on its grounds; parking in reserved or restricted areas is prohibited.

Financial Obligation

Enrollment at IIC incurs certain obligations and commitments on the part of an individual student, one of which is the student’s responsibility to pay on a timely manner all fees owing to the University. Students should note that fines are incurred for late payment. Students with financial difficulty should immediately contact IIC Administration Office for assistance and guidance.

Debts Owed to the University

Should a student or former student fail to pay a debt owing to the University, the University may withhold permission to register and/or to receive services and materials until the debt is paid. This includes failure to pay any fees, failure to return or pay the replacement cost of library materials and failure to return or pay the replacement cost of equipment issued on loan. Students should note that official transcripts of grades will not be issued to any persons with outstanding fees.