

1.  Students applying for a bachelor program must have a high school certificate.
2.  Students are required to complete and submit an admission application form and return it with the required documents. The application form can be obtained from the IIC Administration Office.
3.   Admission is offered prior to the beginning of the academic year to students who meet admission requirements as specified by IIC University of Technology.


It is advisable to apply for admission several months in advance of the first semester in which enrollment is desired. Applications for admission are processed on a rolling basis. Admission decisions are usually made and applicants notified within 3-5 business days of receipt of all necessary admission documents.

Late Enrollment

A student is permitted to enroll during the first week of instruction. However, a student enrolling late may need to pay a late enrollment fee depending on individual circumstances.

Faculty and Staff Enrollment

Permanent, full-time employees of IIC who meet the academic requirements of the University may enroll for units at no charge. There is no limit on the number of subjects a staff member may enroll in after normal working hours. If enrollment does not exceed one subject, approval by the Academic Affairs Office is the sole requirement to receive a fee waiver. If the staff member enrolls in more than one subject, the IIC Rector must give approval for a fee waiver in addition to approval by the Academic Affairs Office.

Returning Students

A student who has attended IIC but was not enrolled during the immediate past semester must reapply to the University under the same conditions and deadlines as all other new applicants.  Students who have been required to withdraw cannot reapply without first petitioning the IIC Academic Office and receiving their approval.

Restrictions on Enrollment

No person shall be entitled to enroll or reenroll for any subject, course or program of study at the University:

  1. While excluded from the University; or pending the determination of any appeal against exclusion, except with the permission of the IIC Rector;
  2. While any monies are due for payment by that person, by way of  fees or fines to the University, unless the officer of the University in his/her discretion gives permission; or
  3. While the determination of any disciplinary proceedings is pending, unless the IIC Rector directs otherwise.

Full-time Students

Undergraduate students who are enrolled in 9 or more semester credits are classified as full-time students. Students engaged in internships or cooperative education program assignments for credit are regarded as full-time students.

Part-time Students

Undergraduate students are classified as part-time if they are enrolled in less than 9 credits in a regular semester.  

Special Students or Non-Degree Students

A student who does not have immediate plans to enter a degree program but wants to take subjects may be classified as a "special student" or "non-degree student." Special students may take any subject which is available in full-time or part-time students’ classes.

Classification of Students

Undergraduate classification is determined by the criteria below:
1. Freshman                         fewer than 30 semester credits completed
2. Sophomore                      31 to 60 semester credits completed
3. Junior                               61 to 90 semester credits completed
4. Senior                               91 or more semester credits completed

Adding/Dropping Classes

Students may add or drop classes during the first week of the semester, permitted there is space available in the courses, with no academic penalty.

During the second week of the semester written permission from the instructor is required to add a class; during the second week classes may still be dropped without academic penalty.

No request to add classes will be considered after the third week.

After the second week in the semester but prior to the sixth week, a student may drop a course and receive the grade of “W” (withdrawn). This grade is noted on the student’s transcript but is not calculated in the grade-point average.

After the sixth week, a student who drops a course will receive the grade of “F” (fail) on their transcript. This grade is noted on the student’s transcript and is calculated in the grade-point average.

 A student may not drop any course in which a formal charge of academic dishonesty is pending against the student. If the student is found guilty, the student will be assigned the grade “F” for the course, regardless of which week the academic dishonesty occurs.

Withdrawing from the University

The withdrawal process is initiated in the IIC Administration Office. A student must appear in person to request an official withdrawal. If the student is unable to appear in person, the request for withdrawal may be sent via mail or fax to the IIC Administration Office. A student who withdraws prior to the sixth week of a regular semester will receive a grade of "W" (withdrawn). This grade is noted on the student’s transcript but is not calculated in the grade-point average. A student who withdraws after the sixth week of a regular semester will receive a grade of "F" (fail). The grade of "F" will be calculated in the grade-point average.

Transfer Credit

Students who were in good standing at another accredited institution may, within maximums, transfer credit for bachelor degree course work. Course equivalency for major requirements must be determined; students are cautioned that IIC is under no obligation to accept transferred subjects for credit.

Substitution of Subjects

Students who believe that previously completed coursework may be appropriately substituted for particular program requirements may submit a Substitution of Subjects request to the Academic Affairs Office for consideration. Substitutions are normally limited to cases where the required subject cannot be offered or where the student has taken a similar subject at another institution.  

Repetition of Courses for Satisfactory Grade

With permission, students may file a request with the IIC Academic Affairs Office to repeat a course in which they have received a failing grade.  Students may petition once to repeat the course and have the second grade substituted for the first in the computation of units attempted and grade points earned, provided that the second grade assigned is an A, B, C, or D. A subsequent failing grade will be computed in credits attempted and calculated in the grade-point average. In addition, students will need to pay the full cost to retake the course. All grades received will remain on record. A student who receives a D or better in a subject may not repeat the subject for credit toward a degree.

Declaring Major

Students must declare their major no later than the end of the Freshman Year. Students declaring a major for the first time or changing from one degree program to another must obtain approval from the Academic Office.

Program Time Limits

IIC University limits the period of time permitted to complete program requirements in order to support the integrity of the credentials earned at the institution. Learning outcomes, technology applications, accreditation standards, and curriculum innovation all change and develop quickly; program time limits ensure that credentials are current and relevant.  

Baccalaureate Degrees:
Full-time Students         Maximum of 5 years
Part-time Students        Maximum of 6 years

Graduate Degrees:
Full-time Students         Maximum of 4 years
Part-time Students         Maximum of 6 years

No student shall be permitted to extend beyond the maximum years without a written approval in advance of enrollment by the IIC Rector.

Educational Leave

Any registered student, in good academic standing, may request an educational leave. Students must request an educational leave in writing, in advance, including an explanation of their reasons for seeking the leave and a statement of when they intend to resume academic work. The completed written letter must be submitted for approval to the Academic Affairs Office. The minimum initial leave will be one full semester; the maximum will be one calendar year. No computer facilities, no library privileges and no student services are available to students on educational leave.

Maximum Semester Credits

Enrollment in access of 18 credits is considered excessive and requires written approval in advance of enrollment by the Academic Affairs Office.

Class Enrollment Maximum

The maximum capacity per class is set at 50 students. This number can be increased by the Rector of the University alone.

Educational Costs

It is extremely important that students carefully consider the total financing of their education, from the first semester to degree completion, for tuition, books, supplies, transportation, and living expenses. While total expenses vary somewhat between programs, students may inquire at the Administration Office for a general list of the academic fees normally encountered. Students should note that in certain subjects, special services, supplies and equipment are used. Costs for these are generally not covered by fees, tuition or departmental operating budgets and therefore, the cost is incurred by students.

Charges for Copies of Academic Documents

All official transcripts of students’ academic records at IIC are prepared and released by the IIC Administration Office. The official transcript includes the academic record, signature of an IIC official and the formal imprinted seal of the University. Primary usage of the official transcript is for application or transfer to other academic institutions and for employment purposes. Academic records and award certificates may be ordered in person or by mail from the IIC Administration Office. Official transcripts will not be available until approximately three weeks after final examinations. A student having delinquent financial obligations to the University will not be granted transcripts. 

Student Identification Cards (ID)

As a part of the enrollment process, each new student is issued a photo identification card. This card, along with the current fee receipt, establishes the student’s identity as an IIC student and authorizes access to university facilities.

1.  All students must carry their student ID during attendance at IIC and provide it on request. The card must be presented when borrowing books from the library, sitting for examinations and using the IIC Computer Lab. IDs are issued for IIC purposes only; they should not be lent and may not be transferred.

2.  Any student who loses his or her ID must pay the replacement charge to IIC administrative staff who will issue a replacement card.

3.  Students should note the student number on the card, which should be quoted on all correspondence with the University.

Change of Address

Students are required to notify the Administration Office in writing of any change in their address as soon as possible. Failure to do so could lead to important correspondence or course information not reaching the student. All students must ensure that the Administration Office has been notified of any change of address during vacation periods. IIC does not accept responsibility for any official communication which fails to reach students who have not notified the Administration Office of address changes.

The Rector’s List of Distinguished Students

Each semester, students who complete all courses with a semester grade-point average of 4.00 (i.e. all “A”s) are placed on the Rector’s List of Distinguished Students for outstanding academic achievement.  A certificate will be issued for each semester in which the student receives this honor. The University honors will be noted on the diploma and transcript.

Department Honor List & Financial Award

Each semester, students who complete a full course load (i.e. 5 classes) with a semester grade-point average of 4.00 (i.e. all “A”s) are placed on the Department Honor List for excellence in academics. Students placed on the Department Honor List are given a full tuition waiver for the following semester of studies.

Methods of Assessment

The University assessment of students’ performance comprises of four components:
-Homework Assignments                   -Class Participation
-Mid-semester Examination              -Final Examination

This balance of assessment methods ensures that a full picture of student achievement is obtained. 

Graduation Requirements

The responsibility for satisfying all requirements for a degree rests with the student. While advisers are available to assist students in planning their coursework to meet degree requirements, the final responsibility for meeting all a degree requirements is the student’s.  

Deadline for Completion of Requirements

Degrees are conferred only on specific commencement dates at the close of the 2nd semester. If a student completes requirements for a degree after a commencement date, the degree will be granted at the next scheduled commencement after the student files an application to graduate.

Graduation Commencement

The University holds Graduation Commencement each year at the close of the 2nd semester. Students who meet the graduation requirements at this time are invited and encouraged to participate in the Commencement. All candidates for degrees who cannot be present should notify IIC Administration Office in order to have their diplomas mailed to them.

Awards & Recognition & Reunions

Each year students and alumni are honored for outstanding service to IIC or for outstanding personal achievement. These individuals are recognized during IIC’s yearly reunion event where alumni are invited to return to campus to renew friendships and participate in social and networking activities.

Internship Program

IIC Internship Program offers an opportunity for undergraduates in good academic standing to earn a semester of credit in a wide range of academic areas while gaining useful work experiences, and possible full-time professional employment following graduation. 

Job Fair

The University sponsors a Job Fair day to provide opportunities for interaction between current IIC students and prospective employers from around the city. IIC invites private business and government agency representatives on campus for a day of displaying, presenting and recruiting.

National Student Exchange

The National Student Exchange is a program designed to provide the opportunity for IIC students to attend other universities and colleges in and outside Cambodia, but also to utilize the study abroad programs of other institutions to attend universities throughout the world. It also provides students from other member universities and colleges with an opportunity to study at IIC University of Technology.

The University Library

The University Library is designed to streamline and enhance information delivery to students, faculty, administration, and members of the community.  The IIC library provides a space for quiet study, informal reading and computer-based work.

The University Computer Facilities

Every effort is made to provide facilities that are capable of the tasks asked of students in the course of their studies. Thus, the University is pleased to provide an extensive array of high-speed computer software and hardware in its computer lab for the use of students, faculty and administration.